Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Standstill (An Update on Our Progress)

One of the reasons why I have been procrastinating on this blog is that I didn't know where to start telling our story.  For now I think it's best to start where we are right now and work backwards.

At the moment we are at a standstill.  It has been a long, emotionally painful 10 weeks of waiting.  In November I had laparoscopic surgery to remove several large ovarian cysts.  That is a story in itself that I will share eventually.

Long story short my doctor not only discovered more cysts than the MRI showed but also scar tissue that wrapped itself around my tubes.  Apparently I had an infection after my c-section that I never knew about so it went untreated.  Fun times.  She was able to remove it all but is worried about the functionality of my tubes.  I learned this information 20 minutes after I woke up from my surgery.  Talk about a punch in the gut.  We thought major surgery would be the remedy but instead we were faced with another factor that we had no control over.

We met with my doctor a week after surgery and talked about our next step.  She informed me that I would need to wait until mid January to have an HSG test done which will show us whether or not my tubes are damaged.  In the meantime we were told we had the green light to get pregnant and that would be the other way we could know if the tubes worked.  We thought for sure I would get pregnant since all the scar tissue was removed.  3 cycles passed and no pregnancy so my test is now scheduled for January 17th.

I was upset that things didn't happen the way we wanted but I know there is a reason why I need to get this test done just like there was a reason why I needed to have surgery.  My doctor says I am a great candidate for In Vitro so that's encouraging.  I believe she said "I know this is hard to hear but in terms of fertility issues you are in great shape because your ovaries aren't damaged.  There is always a way to have a baby with non-functioning tubes." It's always nice to have a doctor point this out because if there's no hope they will tell you straight up.

So on Friday we will have more answers.  We have been waiting to pursue fertility doctors until we have the results.  I have never been so ready to have a test done!

1 comment:

  1. Very promising! Just keep on putting one foot in front of the other. Soon you'll have two more feet along with you! --Jennifer
