Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Graduation Day

Today we graduated to a regular OB!  It felt so weird stepping into a doctor's office other than the fertility clinic.  There was a noticeably different vibe in the office as it exists to support the already pregnant ladies whereas the clinic's main focus is surmounting the challenges to help people get pregnant.  I was so excited and counted down the days until this appointment.

So far we LOVE our doctor.  He spent so much time with us discussing twin pregnancy and how they will do whatever they can to help me go as long as I need to be able to have healthy twins.  We were thrilled to hear that they will be doing an ultrasound at every appointment.  I've already had the same number of ultrasounds as I did in Anna's whole pregnancy.

The ultrasound was awesome.  The babies looked like humans this time.  We could see their legs and hands, and they were kicking and waving like crazy.  It was also entertaining to watch the doctor find two heart beats on the doppler before the ultrasound.  I am 10 weeks 4 days today, and both babies were measuring right at 11 weeks.  So they are growing strong and have very active heart rates.  It was amazing to see all of their details on the screen.

Until 25 weeks it will be a pretty regular pregnancy.  I'll see the doctor once a month, and then we will switch to once every two weeks.  It looks like we will find out the genders in early March.  After 25 weeks I will have a lot of restrictions to prevent pre-term labor and keep the babies healthy.

It still hasn't hit me that we are going to have two babies.  I'm not sure when it will!  Anna is very excited for her "baby brother and baby sister" as she calls them.  Try explaining to a 4 year old that it also could be two girls or two boys.  She will not have that notion.

Thank you again for your prayers!  We are still taking things day by day and celebrating each milestone in this somewhat long process.  I will continue to keep all of you posted on our progress when we have another appointment in February.

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