Saturday, March 22, 2014

Ultrasound Galore

When I was pregnant with Anna I had three ultrasounds.  They were the some of the most exciting/nerve racking experiences I've ever experienced.  The first one was amazing.  At 7 weeks we breathed a sigh of relief seeing our little glow worm on the screen with a strong heart beat.  We looked at the picture daily.  Then at 20 weeks we had our second one where we found out we had a squirmy but healthy baby girl.  Deep down in my heart I knew she was a girl.  Our third one was at 29 weeks and we saw her sweet profile for the last time while she was in the womb.  I loved those ultrasounds and getting a glimpse of the baby we couldn't wait to meet!

Since Anna was born I have had around 8 ultrasounds.  When there is no baby involved ultrasounds aren't fun.  They are checking for things that are wrong.  For most of mine I was treated like a freak of nature by the techs.  After a while I went into them telling the tech "Yes I have a lot of cysts and yes they are big."  For a while I was having so many ultrasounds that I contemplated going back to school to become an ultrasound tech.  I figured if you can't beat them, join them.  It was always a little hard being in the waiting room with visibly pregnant ladies going in to get their gender sonograms.  I wondered if we would ever be in that position again.  I did learn a lot through these 8 ultrasounds and learned not to be alarmed with the tech tried to remain calm while telling me they needed to get their supervisor.  Thankfully my surgery didn't confirm what the techs thought was going on.

Thankfully I finally found a doctor who wasn't intimidated by these cysts and took care of the problem. She has reassured me that they shouldn't grow back since it's not endometriosis.  My fertility doctor has mentioned several times that these cysts are pretty common.  I wish someone had told me that 3 years ago!  Moral of the story... always go to a specialist.  They know way more about their field that I ever thought.

So on Wednesday I go in for my final pre-screening for in vitro ultrasound.  Hopefully it will show that there are no cysts that would keep us from being able to do in vitro.  Then a couple of days later we should start our journey with in vitro.  As weird as it may sound I am excited about the process because of what the end result could bring... baby(ies).  It's not the road we thought we would go down to expand our family but we are beyond thankful that there is something else we can try.  We know there will be a lot of ups and downs but hopefully we are ready to take on this new challenge.  So wish us luck that everything is clear and we will have the green light to start this process!

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