Friday, March 7, 2014

A Little Bit Closer

Today we got a little bit closer to seeing our dream of another child come true.  I needed two tests done to move forward with being screened for in vitro.  The first one was an easy blood draw I did earlier in the week.  The second was called a hysteroscopy and I had that done today.  I'll discuss the first before the really "fun" one.

On Monday I had blood drawn to check my FSH levels.  I am getting really into all the acronyms.  They're almost as intense as military ones!  Apparently healthy levels of FSH for my age are at a 3 or 4.  Well mine was a 9.3.  They can still do in vitro on people with levels under 10 but it requires a little more effort than what was originally thought.  In layman's terms my ovaries are "aging" faster than a normal 31 year old.  So during my treatment I will need to have more medicine than normal to stimulate the maturation of more eggs.  Don't I sound like a super smart doctor with all of these terms?  My doctor is still not worried and encouraged us it's pretty much now or never if we want to have another baby.  That's fine by me after all of this waiting I wouldn't want to wait any longer to try this thing.  It was just another assurance that what we are doing is the best possible thing for trying for another one.  I knew things just weren't adding up!

The second test I had done was today.  It's called a hysteroscopy.  Before they shoved a camera up my lady parts they gave me a shot in the butt that made me want to scream.  I can handle shots but this one totally took me by surprise.  I was a little shocked after when they said "That wasn't bad right?  This is what it will feel like every day when you're giving yourself shots." For a second I thought "What the heck are we getting ourselves into here," but I quickly assured myself that after a few days I would get used to the shots.  The test itself was only 4 minutes.  You would not believe how much those 4 minutes cost us.  Not to be a grouch or anything about it.  They asked if I wanted to watch my insides on the screen and I looked for a second but got so queasy I had to turn away.  This is why I could never go into the medical field.  The good news is that everything was clear!  It was nice to have a test that turned out to give us good results.

So in a couple of weeks I will meet with the lady who will give us the low down on all the meds and when to take them.  Apparently there is a color coded calendar involved that I'm really excited about because I do have a side of me that loves organization.  Then I will have another pelvic ultrasound and start the birth control.  Yes in this case you go on birth control to be able to get pregnant.  Who would've thought?

In the meant time we are praying for a healthy amount of eggs to be harvested and for some good embryos to make this thing happen.  Then hopefully the embryo will turn into a blastocyst and the blastocyst into a fetus and a fetus into a baby.  How's that for biology?  I didn't pay attention to it in high school but I am now!  Wish us luck!

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