Friday, February 28, 2014

A First Time for Everything

Today we took another important first step in our journey towards growing our family again.  We met with the fertility doctor.  Let me tell you that specialist doctors know how to decorate their offices.  It was complete with fancy chairs, TV's in the rooms, and keurig.  Not to mention the cutest book of baby success stories I've ever seen.  I didn't make it past the first page because it was too emotional for me. I guess if most doctors charged what IVF doctors do they would be able to make super fancy baby books too.

The doctor mostly echoed what my OBGYN has said all along but expounded on important information.  Anna was born by emergency c-section because her chord was coming out before she was.  It was a safety issue and I don't regret it at all.  It turns out that my body responded to the surgery by producing massive amounts of scar tissue that unfortunately pushed my tubes up so high rendering them almost useless when it comes to making a baby.  How ironic that bringing life into the world contributed to my body's ability to do it all again.  Even if Anna is the only one we could conceive naturally she is worth every scar or side effect of the birth process.

So with all of that said it looks like in vitro is our only option going forward unless by some miracle I'm pregnant and don't know it yet.  The in vitro process is a lot more complicated than I ever dreamed it would be.  First of all there are all of these different "package" deals you can choose.  We sit down with the financial lady next week to discuss them all. My head hurt just thinking about all the different numbers.  Second of all there are a lot of drugs involved in the process.  He did assure me that they would walk me through how to give myself shots every day.  I wonder how he would feel about a 3 year old administering them.  Please know that was a joke.

So at the end of March we will start the six week process that is in vitro with hopeful hearts.  I will be in the late April/early May group.  We are feeling good about moving forward with everything.  I'm sure I will have lots to write about once we start this process.  We are staying positive and trying to keep our humor through all of this.  The doctor said I am a great candidate for this and that people my age have a great success rate.  We are hoping to be apart of this success rate very soon!

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